New location in Berlin
With our new location, we can offer our customers an even better service for the German market.
Bild von Inspiralia in Berlin
mobility turnaround: 2 new calls
The two calls “Zero Emission Mobility” and “Mobility 2023:” offer companies great help for the mobility transition. Here you will find an overview of both calls for proposals.
Bild von ENIN Förderprogramm
New location in Berlin
With our new location, we can offer our customers an even better service for the German market.
Bild von Inspiralia in Berlin
mobility turnaround: 2 new calls
The two calls “Zero Emission Mobility” and “Mobility 2023:” offer companies great help for the mobility transition. Here you will find an overview of both calls for proposals.
Bild von ENIN Förderprogramm

We keep track and find for you the best option for your project

Whether research and development, investment, energy saving or digitalization – for these and other projects, hundreds of funding opportunities are available at national and regional level from dozens of granting authority. We keep track of everything for you and not only find the right opportunity, but also take the lead in the entire application process.

Bild von Förderberatung Inspiralia

The path from project application to disbursement is too complicated and time-consuming – this fear is common, but not necessary with the right partner by your side.

“Whether it’s innovation or investment, there’s a funding tool for almost every occasion.” Ulrich Albertshauser

Our expert on the subject of fundings

Mitarbeiter Ulrich Albertshauser

Dr. Ulrich Albertshauser

Senior Consultant
Ulrich Albertshauser is responsible for the German market. He is also our expert for the topic of research allowances and national, especially german, funding.

Arrange a free initial consultation and discover your funding opportunity

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