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News / IraSME IraSME

IraSME 33rd Call for Proposals now open: Funding for the DACH-Region goes into the next round!

Post from 21. December 2023

The 33rd call for proposals for transnational R&D projects under IraSME is accepting submissions from December 1, 2023, to March 27, 2024. This initiative is coordinated and financially supported by national and regional ministries and agencies that are part of the IraSME network, utilizing their individual funding programs.

General information

When submitting proposals for IraSME calls, it is crucial for applicants to engage early with their local agencies to ensure alignment with relevant national and regional criteria. It’s important to note that eligibility criteria, application processes, and funding details differ among countries and regions.

Looking ahead, anticipate the opening of the 34th IraSME call for proposals in early June 2024, with a submission deadline set for September 25, 2024.

What is funded?

  • Development of new products, processes or technical services which exceed the current international state of the art.
  • Technical/experimental development up to a prototype level.
  • R&D with significant technical risks for each funded partner.
  • Minimum constellation: 2 companies from 2 participating countries/regions.


  • Germany
  • Austria
  • Switzerland

The Deadline for the 33rd call is set for the 27th of March 2024.

Our expert-team will help you with any questions about this funding.

Javier Calvet

Managing Director
Javier Calvet is the Managing Director of Inspiralia GmbH and holds a degree in European Business Administration.

Maximilian Fischer

Business Development
Maximilian strengthens our team in Vienna. He is responsible for business processing in Switzerland.

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